Photo by Michael Latz / Getty Images

German Scientists Discover The World’s Oldest Dildo

It was a hard find, but a solid one.

After discovering one of the world’s oldest sculpted phalluses, a.k.a the dildo, German scientists were surprised to see the 20cm (7.87″) polished siltstone creation made about 28,000 years ago. If you want to peek at how the male genitalia has evolved, this is a “solid” starting point. If you’re looking for something a bit more smooth check out our top favorite intimate CBD lubes that they wish they had back then.

Photo Courtesy of University of Tubing

A group of scientists at the Tübingen University team discovered the stone penis in Hohle Fels Cave near Ulm, Swabia. From the university’s department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, professor Nicholas Conard said to the BBC, “Female representations with highly accentuated sexual attributes are very well documented at many sites, but male representations are very, very rare.”

He continued by saying that having “any representation of male genitalia from this time period is highly unusual. The reasoning behind this was that the dildo holds various scars and cuts, concluding that this German sausage was created using knap flints and was reassembled from 14 fragments. Although the penis-shaped-stone has been through the wringer, Conrad thinks this human-sized phallus imitation was most likely a prehistoric sex toy. He playfully added that it was “highly polished.”

Photo by Michael Latz / Getty Images

It seems as though our prehistoric people were well aware of self-pleasure, so much so that they created sex toys for masturbation. Fast forward to today, we have some of the most intricate and imaginative toys anyone could imagine. We’ve even found ways to incorporate cannabis into the bedroom, whether it’s through CBD lube or ingesting cannabis before a round.

There’s still speculation about whether cannabis is an aphrodisiac or not, but studies prove that weed can be a helpful aid during sex for a variety of reasons. Cannabis is said to help the anticipation that leads to an orgasm and is excellent for supporting and maintaining the pleasure before your mind gets too caught up and falls out of the moment. According to The Cannigma, masturbation can boost plasma levels of 2-AG. The release of 2-AG and other endocannabinoids are said to play an essential role in the rewarding sensations of sexual arousal and orgasm. 

Photo by Erik Mclean / Pexels

It’s proven that cannabis interacts with our skin’s cannabinoid receptors and nerve pathways responsible for feeling the sensation of touch and penetration. This prepares our bodies for the entire stimulating physical experience of sex or masturbation.

Ever taken a hit of some green then felt your heart beating out of your chest? This is because cannabis increases blood flow. In terms of masturbation, weed increases blood flow to the genitals, breasts, lips and helps you feel the excitement before the big finish. Now that we know why weed sets the mood put it to the test with your next private session and see how it boosts your solo experience while relaxing the body, mind, and soul.

Photo by Anna Shvets / Pexels

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