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Learn | 08.20.2024

How To Save Oil From A Broken Vape Cart

What to do with a broken cart: navigating options.

So, you broke your vape cart (happens to the best of us), and you’re wondering how to use a broken cart or what to do with leftover cart oil.

Wonder no more. We’re here with our guide on what to do with a broken cart and how to get oil out of your broken vape.

The concentrate inside your broken vape is still gold (unless the vape has shattered), and it’s definitely worth saving.

Read on to find out how to save the precious concentrate inside of your broken vape cart.

What Are The Common Reasons That Make Vape Carts Break?

Photo by Lexscope

Discovering that a broken cart is cradling your precious oil can be very frustrating. Before understanding the best ways to control the menace, it’s important to understand the common causes. Here are the common causes that make vape carts break:

Excess Pressure

Like humans, vape carts can also break when they reach their optimal point. For instance, dramatic pressure changes while traveling can result in the contraction and expansion of the oil. With the contraction and expansion, there is a high chance of a leaky cart.

Excess Heat

Studies show that most vape carts cannot handle excess heat. Direct sunlight could make an oil mess when you pack your cart in a sweltering car, leading to a leaking problem.

Manufacturing Issues

Despite most errors being human-made, sometimes you might not be the cause. When manufacturers create subpar materials or those with defects, it may result in leakages.

Old Age

Like other products, vape cartridges have a particular shelf life. Old age may result in repeated cooling and heating, which compromises their integrity and increases the risk of breakages.

3 Safest Ways to Extract Remaining Oil

Photo by Clear Cannabis

Do you have a broken cart? If you have broken carts, don’t worry. You can get back the oil and find an alternative way to enjoy your marijuana. Here are the safest ways to help you extract the remaining oil:

Syringe Method

This method involves using a syringe to extract the oil and find a new or unbroken cart to fill the oil for your next experience. When using the syringe, start by removing all the cart’s mouthpieces. Then, insert the syringe into the broken one’s tank, draw the oil, and transfer it to the new one.

Gravity Method

If you’ve got patience and time, it’s the best option. Start by heating the broken cart (you can use a hairdryer). After this, the syringe is inverted over the empty cart tank, allowing gravity to take control.


Cotto swabs may be the best tool when navigating the mess of a broken cart. The process involves storing oil-soaked swabs for future use.

Do Not Extract Oil From Shattered Cart

If your cart is completely shattered into many, many pieces, it’s best to leave the oil alone. It could be contaminated with tiny shards of glass which could be harmful to you and cause injury. Plus, the quality and purity of your oil may not be compromised with the presence of shattered glass.

What To Do With Cart Oil

PHOTO BY Vesl Oils

After recovering oil, it doesn’t go to waste. There are a wide range of ways you can use the recycled oil. Let’s look at some of the uses of the recovered oil:

Fill An Empty Vape Cart

You refill the oil into a new and functional cart for future use.

Infuse Your Bowls And Joints

You can elevate your next sessions with these flavorful distillate drops.

Dab It Up

If you’ve been wondering if you can dabe a broken cart, this is the perfect opportunity to get the best opportunity. You can consider manual vaping to deliver or get the potent effects and rich flavors.

Consider It As A Special Sauce

If you like edibles, you can consider this option. It involves placing a few drops of the used oil in your beverage or food.

Take The Oil Down The Hatch

Start by sublingually holding a few drops to get instant effects. However, you should take caution to avoid swallowing the drops.

How Can You Prevent Breaks in the Future?

Preventing issues with vape cart breakages is key. Regular care and attention can help them last longer. Here are the ways you can choose to prevent future breakages:

Handle With Care

Being gentle can prevent many potential issues with vape carts. You can also consider warming the cartridge with the battery if needed.

Proper Storage

Store your vape carts in a cool, shaded, and safe place. With proper storage, you’ll be shielding them from sunlight and extreme temperatures. Remember to keep them upright to prevent leaks.

Travel Safely

When on the move, use the original packaging or a protective case. This case will help to keep your vape cart intact. Avoid keeping it directly in your pocket to prevent clogging.

Regular Check-ups

Periodically inspect your cart for cracks, leaks, or signs of wear. Clean the area where the cartridge connects to the vape pen with isopropyl alcohol to prevent clogs.

Screw With Caution

Avoid over-tightening cartridges onto the battery. You can also consider using a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the area where the cartridge connects to the vape pen.

Know When to Replace

If your cart consistently malfunctions, it might be time for a new one. Ensure that you choose high-quality cartridges to minimize clogging issues.

A broken vape cart shouldn’t mean the end when enjoying a session. From using syringe extractions to flavorful infusions, we have a wide range of possibilities for this precious oil. You can also choose to prolong the lifespan of your vape cart by exercising caution and care while using your vape cart. Embrace these tips, and let your vaping journey come with resourcefulness and satisfaction.

Can I Tape A Cracked Cart?

No, it’s generally not safe to tape your cracked vape cart.

Tape may not fully seal the crack, leading to leaks which could damage your vaping device. The adhesive from the tape may also mix with the vape oil, leading to you inhaling some nasty, unwanted chemicals.

And, with the vape’s pressure and heat, the tape will eventually melt or fall off anyway.

Can You Eat Cart Oil?

Anna Shvets / Pexels

Just like with the tape scenario, it’s not considered safe to eat the oil extracted from your vape cart.

The oil in the cart is specifically designed for vaporization and inhalation, not oral consumption. The oil might contain harmful thinning agents, like propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG) that are safe to inhale but not when ingested.

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