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Herb’s Guide To The Best Things To Do On 420

Here's your complete to-do list for an epic 420.

It’s happening, people. 420, the dankiest day of the year, is here. What began as a code word for a group of high schoolers back in the 70s is today a globally recognized celebration of one thing—weed.

Under normal circumstances, today would be full of activities, multitudinary meetups, and events all across the world. But if there is something that the past year has been that is abnormal and weird. 

That said, you probably won’t be going to big events or meetups unless they are online. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have an epic 420.

Here’s a guide with everything you need to do on this weedy day. 

Step 1: Gather Your Greens

Photo courtesy of Add Weed.

The first and probably most important step of the day—make sure you have enough bud—nothing worse than having to spend the international weed day without actual weed. 

Dispensaries might be packed, so wake up early if you’re going to go canna-shopping. If going out is not a possibility, order some weed online. Just make sure to get enough—this 420 is gonna be a weedy Tuesday.

Our Sour Lifter CBD flower might not arrive today, but it’s a great post 420 low THC strain if you want to take it easy for a few days.

If you’re a responsible stoner, you probably already have weed, probably already rolled. If that’s the case, light up and start the celebration!

Step 2: Grind Enough Weed To Keep You Busy

best weed grinders

Many blunts and bowls will be smoked this 420, so it’s better to be prepared. And let’s face it—you don’t want to be grinding weed all day long. So, again, if you didn’t prepare for this yesterday, you’ll have to spend some time grinding those buds.

Catch a short pause after your first grind and take the first hit of the day. Roll a joint, smoke a bowl, or load your vape. 420 just began for you.

Want a device that makes grinding easier? Check out the Tectonic9. With the push of a button, you’ll get finely ground cannabis in seconds.

Here’s our guide with the best weed grinders out there for more options.

Step 3: Clean Your Pieces & Roll Your Smokes

Photography by Kaya Blaze Kelley for Herb

Nobody wants to start 420 with a stinky resinous bong. So yes, if you hadn’t before, you’ll have to clean those glass pieces to start the day. Besides, they’re probably going to be used a lot this day, so it’s better to have them look fresh.

Don’t worry, cleaning your gadgets nowadays is no longer such a hassle. Just invest in a proper bong cleaner and say goodbye to sticky hands and resinous bubblersPiece Water Solution is an excellent alternative for glassware maintenance. Not only does it clean your pieces, but it also acts as a water substitute. 

For metal stuff, try Bud’s Resin Remover. Easy on your hands but deadly on resin clogs. If nothing else is available, regular ISO alcohol will work wonderfully on everything.

If your go-to smoke method involves rolling, take a seat and roll those bad boys. Click here to learn how to roll a joint or here or learn how to roll a blunt

Another option: get an automatic joint-rolling box—you’ll get perfectly tight joints in seconds.

Step 4: Go Outside

Photo by Valmedia / Adobe Stock Photo

The outdoors and cannabis go hand in hand. Whether it’s a hike through the mountains or just a small cruise around the city, taking a high walk is an absolute pleasure.

We’ve spent more than a year without going out, which makes us appreciate the outside even more. Be cautious, though. Try to distance yourself from others, wear a mask, use sunscreen, and put on sunglasses to avoid people noticing how high you are.

This is a time for you to relax, decompress, and enjoy the (hopefully) sunny day. Bring some water with you—staying hydrated is KEY on 420.

Step 5: Get Your Munchies

Photo by fudio / Adobe Stock Photo

420 is the day where you get to eat your favorite food without worrying about sugar, calories, or what anyone has to say. Nothing better than having your favorite snacks after smoking some pot. 

Want ideas? Here’s our guide with the best munchies + strain pairings. From candy to fast food, sugary and salty, there’s a combo for everyone.

You can always make your own infused goods. Why not? It’s 420. If that’s your case, try the Ardent FX and become the cannabis chef you always wanted. This device, deemed the Easy Bake Oven for cannabis, lets you decarb, infuse, AND bake delicious edibles with the push of a button.

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Step 6: Gotta Work? Keep It On The Down Low

Photo by Kemedo / Adobe Stock Photo

It sucks to say it but, 420 is a Tuesday this year. So, unless you’re free for some reason or decided to take a day off work to get astronomically high, you probably have things to do.

 If you need to be productive, here’s a selection of strains that boost your focus and productivity. Try to smoke CBG bud like our Sour G strain. It is perfect on its own or mixed with THC bud as it delivers a balanced high, uplifting effects, and a chill vibe.

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Another thing to keep in mind is red eyes. Avoid the guesswork and go with Lumify drops. These will leave your eyes white as pearls in minutes and for up to eight hours.

Step 7: Take A Break & Chill

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Photo by Svitlana / Adobe Stock Photo

You’ve earned it. Put on comfy clothes, get something to drink, and relax. Take a nap, read a book, meditate, whatever it is, take a few minutes for yourself to just be you.

Step 8: Do Some Online Shopping

Photo by tiko_photographer / Adobe Stock Photo

One of the most sought-after elements of 420—deals. That’s right. This is not only the biggest day for smoking weed but also a day to restock on flower or get new gadgets at killer prices.

With so many brands out there, it’s hard to keep track of the best deals out there. That’s why we created this guide of the best 420 deals of 2021, so you don’t miss the fantastic promotions that brands throw on this day.

Step 9: Smoke With Your Friends On 4:20

Photo by Svetlana / Adobe Stock Photo

4:20 of the 4/20. 420-ception. The ultimate and most perfect time of the year to smoke weed. Make sure to have your favorite strain a lighter that works. This is a time to either get together with your friends or have a socially distanced virtual smoke sesh.

Step 10: Watch Movies

Photo by Svitlana / Adobe Stock Photo

It’s the end of the day; you probably had plans but you canceled them because you got too high. Nothing better than ending the weediest day of the year with something you like. Grab some popcorn, light your last joint of the day, and get comfy.

From the stoner classics like Pineapple Express to trippy cartoons like Rick & Morty, watching something while high is fantastic. Want to laugh? These are the best shows & movies to watch while high. Want weed content? Here’s our selection of the best weed themes things to watch on Netflix.

Step 11: Sleep Like A Baby

The day is over, hope you enjoyed it. Take a final sip of water and go to bed. The next 420 is 365 days away.

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