Photo by Yakobchuk Olena / Adobe Stock Photo

What Can I Use As Rolling Paper? 6 Alternatives To Rolling Paper

What to use instead of rolling paper when in a pinch? We got you covered.

There’s nothing worse than running out of papers when you’re craving a joint.

But, what to use as rolling paper is the major question.

You could go to the store or the dispensary, but in desperate times, you have to take desperate measures. Papers run out, and emergencies happen. Luckily, stoners are usually an innovative bunch.

If you ever run out of paper, don’t worry. There are common household items you can use to create a quick smoking utensil in a pinch.

Below, you’ll likely find a rolling paper alternative that is easy to use and gets the job done.

What To Use Instead Of Rolling Papers


Photo by Irina Iriser

One of the easiest ways to smoke without rolling papers is to empty out a cigarette and fill it with ground-up weed.

This means you’ll need an extra cigarette lying around, either yours or a friend’s.

We should mention that when cigarettes are smoked with weed, they tend to burn much faster than a joint and a regular cigarette.

Corn Husks

Photo by Stock

If you had corn for dinner last night, you may want to dig through the compost and save those precious husks for a rainy day.

Corn husks have been used for centuries to roll cigarettes because of how flexible they are.

Because they are thicker than rolling paper, they have an earthy taste that can irritate the throat, so it’s best to take small puffs in a row.

When rolling, you can tie a piece of husk around the joint to keep it in place.

Bible Pages

Photo by Aaron Burden

Christians may not be as willing to use their holy book to smoke weed, but it’s still a valid option.

As weird as it sounds, Bible paper is incredibly thin and therefore the perfect alternative to rolling papers. As with any paper, ideally, choose a page with the least amount of ink (perhaps from the front or back).

These thin pages are very easy to handle and roll, and also stick quite well with saliva.

Gift Wrapping Paper

Photo by Leone Venter

Avoid using dye-stained wrapping paper; white paper is best.

This type of paper is very thin, a little thinner than the Bible pages we mentioned earlier. Because it is so thin, it is very flexible and easy to roll up.

In addition, they stick well with saliva. They do, however, burn quite quickly. They are also quite fragile, so don’t beat yourself up if they fall apart.

Rose Petals

We’ve saved this alternative for last because it’s probably the hardest to roll. Besides, come on, it’s pretty romantic, isn’t it?

If you have roses around the house or in the garden, take some petals and place them on a baking sheet. You’ll need to bake them for a few minutes, which will make it easier for them to stick together with the saliva.

From there, place the petals on top of each other to create your paper, fill them with weed, and glue them together with spit. Psst, this is called a Rose Blunt.

Apple Pipes

Apple pipes take advantage of the fruit’s natural shape by hollowing out a bowl and going down through the core to the base.

The hollowed-out apple pipes burn smoothly and bring a sweet, fruity flavor to the smoking experience. Best of all, once finished, you can eat your new smoking device.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Rolling Paper Alternatives

When selecting an alternative to rolling papers during a weed emergency, there are a few factors you’ll want to keep in mind:


Avoid materials such as plastic and aluminum, which can release toxic fumes when heated. Use more inert materials, such as fruit, and natural wrappers.

As for the papers you choose, make sure they are not printed or dyed, as they can be toxic.

Time and Effort 

If you need to smoke quickly, an apple bowl can be made in a matter of minutes.

It will also depend on what you have on hand, but usually cigarette paper or bible pages are a quick and easy option.

Keep in mind that these are not rolling tools, so be patient while you master the technique.


As we already said, homemade alternatives can be very useful, but they are not designed for smoking weed, so they can eventually influence the taste of your stash.

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