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Learn | 07.29.2024

What Is A Zip Of Weed And How Much Does It Cost?

In the world of cannabis, you will come across a lot of terms, informal language, and specialized expressions, but we are here for you to handle them like a pro.

If you are new to the cannabis scene or even if you have been around for a while, it is normal to come across words you don’t know, the cannabis world seems to have its own language sometimes.

Specifically, the term “zip of weed” can sound like a mysterious code for a secret language. But here we tell you all about it so you can talk like a pro.

What Is A Zip Of Weed?

The term “zip” dates back to the old days, when marijuana was sold in “zip-lock” bags. Over time, the expression was shortened, and “zip” has become an integral part of the cannabis lexicon.

Today, zip is simply a slang term for an ounce, or 28 grams.

How Many Grams Are In A Zip Of Weed?

Photo by Crystal Weed

A zip, as we established, is equivalent to an ounce of weed. But what does this mean in grams, the universal language of cannabis measurements? A zip equals approximately 28 grams of weed. Here’s a quick conversion guide for different measures equal to a zip of weed:

  • 1 zip = 28 grams

  • 1 zip = 8 eighths (another common term in cannabis, equating to 1/8th of an ounce)

  • 1 zip = 4 quarters (or quarter ounces)

  • 1 zip = 2 halves (or half ounces)

A “half zip” would then be 14 grams, a measurement often used for consumers who want more than a few grams but less than a zip.

How Much Does A Zip Of Weed Cost?

Alright, let’s talk green, not only about the color of your favorite weed but also about the money it costs to get your hands on a “zip” of weed.

First things first: the price of a weed zip depends on several factors. Like any market, it is regulated by supply and demand, quality, and other factors such as your location, legality, and more.

Now, the big question: how much money are we talking about? Well, be prepared for a ballpark figure. On average, a pack of weed can cost you anywhere from $180 to $350. Yes, that’s the range, and it’s as varied as the strains in a dispensary.

While it may seem like a lot of money at first, the truth is that buying in bulk can be a good investment. You pay less per dose, and that’s good business.

What Does A Zip Of Weed Look Like?

The appearance of a weed zip can vary, depending mainly on the variety and size of the bud. Generally speaking, however, a zip usually fills a standard-sized sandwich bag.

The color of the cannabis will depend on the strain, which can vary from light green to dark purple, and the buds can be small and dense or larger and fluffier.

There may also be visible trichomes, the tiny crystals in the buds that produce cannabinoids and terpenes, which contribute to the strain’s potency and flavor profile.

Basically, think of it as a sandwich bag full of buds. As simple as that.

How Long Does A Zip Of Weed Last?

The length of this journey is entirely up to you.

If you’re a daily user and indulge in a green treat every day, that zip could be your faithful companion for a couple of weeks. It could last a month or more for moderate users and for occasional users, several months.

To put it in perspective, a zip weighs one ounce, about the same as a slice of bread or ten copper pennies. And with that ounce, you can roll 28 to 56 joints, 9 to 14 blunts, or puff about 56 bowls, depending on how you roll.

But, if you’re not careful about storing your stash, the freshness and flavor might decide to say goodbye before you end your trip. So, whether on a daily commute or a sporadic getaway, the key is careful storage to ensure that each puff is as fresh as the first.

Proper storage, ideally in an airtight, opaque container in a cool, dark place- can keep your zip fresh for up to a year.

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