Photo courtesy of Delta Munchies

What To Consider When Trying Delta 8 For The First Time


There’s no question about it: hemp-derived products are a growing trend in the cannabis world. One that’s become increasingly popular as more people seek out its benefits is Delta 8 THC, a chemical cousin of Delta 9 THC that lets you enjoy the effects of weed at a less potent level. Still, you shouldn’t try any new cannabis inventions without reading up on them first, especially if you’re a first-time user.

This is precisely why we’re holding hands with Delta Munchies to give you all the deets you need to know when trying Delta 8 for the first time. This brand is a culmination of a couple of award-winning brands that are sharing their free-thinking nature and passion for cannabis in a fun, uplifted, friendly, and accessible space.

What is Delta 8?

Photo courtesy of Delta Munchies

Delta 8 THC is an isomere (think chemical cousin) of Delta 9 THC. Both compounds have very similar structures, but a double carbon bond in the 8th position instead of the 9th is what gives Delta 8 its name (and its lower psychoactive potency). Being high as a kite isn’t for everyone, so potency often can help play a role by offering Delta 8 products like Delta Munchies that allow you to fully enjoy the flavor and aroma with a clear head and less risk of greening out.

How is Delta 8 Made?

Like most marijuana, Delta 8 THC is produced under natural conditions in the hemp plant. Still, it’s not as easy to extract. Delta 8 can easily turn into CBD, so the concentration of Delta 8 in nature is minuscule. However, some labs have been working away at converting CBD into Delta 8, giving way to the lab-made Delta 8 products that are just as safe as if they were directly extracted from the hemp plant.

Technology blows the mind, and creating Delta 8 concentrates in a lab is just the beginning. Delta Munchies uses 100% American-grown hemp to create their products, ensuring the highest quality at every step of the way.

Potential Benefits of Delta 8

Research is showing a lot of potential benefits to relieving a bunch of physical and mental suffering. The science is simple: cannabinoids like Delta 8 interact with the endocannabinoid system, which helps your body regulate things like appetite, stress, sleep, and even libido.

When a cannabinoid like Delta 8 pops into the endocannabinoid system to say hello, it’ll either increase or decrease these functions in your body. This is where Delta 8’s benefits come in:

  • As an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, it may be helpful to those suffering from constant or chronic pain.
  • Is nausea ever an issue in your life? Delta 8 can help with that.
  • If you’ve been having a hard time eating right, Delta 8 can also increase appetite, so eat away.
  • For us anxious folk, it’s always good to find alternatives to help relieve the symptoms of anxiety and social anxiety, so you can feel relaxed when out with friends or just on your own.
  • This compound works like a charm when it comes to boosting your creativity.
  • You could try to ward off insomnia by making the most of Delta 8’s relaxing effects, too.

How Much Should You Use?

Photo courtesy of Delta Munchies

We’ve given you a bit of background, but it still doesn’t answer the question: so like, how much do I take?

It all comes down to the potency: how potent is the flower you’re smoking, the vape you’re hitting, the drops you’re dropping, or the edibles you’re munching on. It’s always great to check that before doing anything.

Then again, every single person is different. Your body weight, age, and tolerance come into play to influence THC effects on different people. If you’re a first-timer, two puffs, a single gummy or a couple of drops should be enough to do the trick, but remember: you can always ingest more, so take it slow and take it from there.

If you’re an experienced smoker (A.K.A. a seasoned stoner), you could probably smoke a whole bowl without feeling much of a difference. Whatever the case, it’s best to speak about dosage with your professional, whether it’s for medicinal reasons with your doctor or recreationally in your friendly neighborhood dispensary with a budtender.

Your body will tell you when you’re good to go, which is why it’s good to start out slow with low amounts, listen to your body and mind, and take some more if you’re not feeling it enough. You can also do more, but once you’ve crossed the threshold, there’s no going back. You don’t want to feel uncomfortable if you’ve taken too much, so just take it easy, my friend.

Vaping VS Smoking VS Eating Delta 8

Like most cannabinoids, once discovered, it’s only a matter of time before there are a plethora of ways to use them Delta 8 can be consumed in several ways: smoked, blended in drinks or edibles, and tinctures.

The way you use it will definitely change the experience you have. For example, taking an edible might have you waiting a while for it to kick in, but the effects are more potent and last longer. Smoking or vaping Delta 8 is also a favorite though, and you can turn it into anything you want: a joint, a bong bowl, throw some in a pipe, use an apple, have at it.

Edibles will probably be the traditional way when it comes to Delta 8, because it’s so discreet, and accessible, and there are tons of them out there. You can satisfy your sweet tooth with tropical gummies or add some Delta 8 drops into your morning coffee.

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