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What Is An Atomizer? How To Use For Vaping

What you need to know about atomizers and their impact on modern vaping devices.

Do you know the difference between an atomizer and a vape? Is there a difference? 

With all the new cannabis-oriented lingo, it can be difficult to keep up with the times and technology blasting each sesh with a gust of innovation.

One of the hottest topics around the technological side of the cannabis industry is atomizers

It may sound like a confusing and non-user-friendly device, but it’s simply a word to describe the process of transforming liquid into vapor. Below, we explained the complete and concise rundown on atomizers, what they are, and how they work inside of vapes. 

What Is An Atomizer?

Photo by Hoopers Vapour

Vaper lovers will often use the word atomizer for different vape parts, like the coil or vape wick. However, the word has taken a broad meaning since vaping has become increasingly popular. The correct usage of the word atomizer should be to describe the process of heating a liquid and converting it to vapor or mist.

This is why it’s become quite confusing when vapers began talking about the differences between coils, wicks, and atomizers. That said, devices labeled as atomizers will usually contain coils to conduct the heating process. The coils are made from resistance wire measured in ohms.

Different coils come in materials like stainless steel, titanium, nickel, and more. Before they begin heating your coil, there must be a wicking material in place to transport your liquid to the coil, which creates the atomizer heating process.

Using An Atomizer For Vaping

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There are various kinds of vaping atomizers on the market for cannabis, which can be disposable, come with tools to replace coils, come in the form of a cannabis cartridge, and much more.

However, the process within these devices is relatively the same, even if some are 510 threading compatible (the universal standard for threading compatibility) or not.

The process works by turning on your device to activate the atomizer and prepare it for use. After turning it on, the atomizer will instantly start heating your vape coil in preparation for the big hit.

For the coil to come in contact with the liquid, the wicking material is carefully threaded through the vape and soaked in the liquid to promote continuous liquid flow for smooth hits.

Once the liquid-soaked wick meets the coil, the wick begins to heat up and slowly develops into a misty, thick, dense vapor cloud that’s ready to be inhaled.

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