Photo by The Ancestor Project

Learn | 10.27.2021

Want To Learn All About Psychedelics? The Ancestor Project Is Here To Enlighten You

It's all about set and setting.

The Ancestor Project (a.k.a. The Sabina Project) is a Baltimore-based educational and ceremonial organization that focuses on providing psychedelic education, primarily for the BIPOC community. They offer preparation, integration, and the facilitation of legal ceremonies to integrate sacred earth medicine into the modern-day.

The black-led Ancestor Project was founded by Charlotte James and Undrea Wright, who initially named the company The Sabina Project after Maria Sabina, a Mazateca curandera. Charlotte has been changing the game for psychedelic exploration due to her history in harm reduction and marketing strategies. On the other hand, Undrea is a Kambo medicine practitioner and cannabis entrepreneur often engaged in decriminalization endeavors. Under The Ancestor Project, they help educate us on ancient earth medicines and ancestral wisdom to promote equal and spiritual liberation and enlightenment.

Photo by Benjamin Hearn

“We integrate ancestral Sacred Earth Medicine wisdom into the modern journeyers’ experience to reduce harm and expand consciousness. We believe that Sacred Earth Medicine is key in liberating all oppressed peoples,” reads The Ancestor Project’s website. They facilitate online and in-person gatherings to help promote compelling self-transformation in honor of collective, inclusive, and equal liberation.

The Ancestor Project wants us to know that they would be nothing without personal integrity while allowing us to communicate openly. Open communication leads to compassion, and The Ancestor Project encourages us to have compassion to avoid judgment. They say that self-awareness is the foundation for change, while overall wellness requires a holonic approach. Finally, The Ancestor Project wants to share their knowledge with the utmost respect and reverence.

Photo by Zoë Van DJik

To prepare us for the journey ahead, The Ancestor Project also provides self-guided resources through handbooks like “Surrender: Self-Guided Interactive Ceremony.” This read helps those interested in creating self-ceremonies but not sure where to begin. There’s one word to keep in mind when working with spiritual enlightenment and self-guided ceremonies; surrender. The Ancestor Project wants us to be open to all possibilities, be present in the moment, and embody trust and vulnerability to reach our full potential.

“Our ancestors, across all continents, used Sacred Earth Medicine to enhance the human experience, connect with spirit guides and learn how to live in harmony with the earth,” the founders told Blavity News. “There is evidence of their use for consciousness expansion within all religious and spiritual belief systems. This also means our ancestors provided a blueprint for how to use these medicines in a way that does not cause harm. We are simply carrying on in the tradition of our ancestors in order to usher in our shared future.”

Photo by Pexels

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