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Microdosing Cannabis 101: Build Your Regimen With WNC CBD

Wondering how to microdose cannabis? Here's your guide.

Mushrooms aren’t the only substance that falls under the microdose umbrella. Have you ever thought about microdosing cannabis? More specifically, cannabinoids like Delta-9 THC?

It’s a thing, and consumers worldwide are hopping on this trend for one reason: It’s a mood boost and anxiety killer without the overly euphoric, psychoactive effects. That’s typically the experience for a seasoned cannabis user, as beginners may even need a MICRO microdose to feel those effects.

Don’t fret; it’s possible. Testing the waters is effortless with new product options like Everyday Microdose Gummies and 7:1 Mixed Delta-9 Gummies from WNC CBD. Who knows, you may even build a new regimen. Read on to learn more about the benefits of daily microdosing, how to do it, and trusted options to get you started.

The Benefits Of Daily Microdosing

There are plenty of potential health benefits involved with microdosing cannabis. Imagine the effects of weed like a spectrum, where one end involves feeling grounded and reality-oriented but still lifted from the plant’s euphoric effects.

On the other hand, that’s when you start to lose your sense of reality. It’s often an enjoyable experience, but only some people desire those powerful effects. Additionally, some individuals prefer to harness those euphoric effects at a smaller scale through a daily microdose regimen.

Those microdoses often enhance creativity, improve focus, and boost overall mood. It may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression for those who prefer a natural alternative to traditional medications. Some even report increased energy levels and better emotional resilience throughout the day.

How To Microdose

Just as it sounds, microdosing means taking a microdose of a substance (like cannabis or mushrooms). However, because cannabis is often smoked or vaped, these two methods are particularly challenging to achieve a “microdose” effect.

Theoretically, you could load “micro” bowls or take 1-2 hits of a joint instead of ripping the whole thing. If you want to settle into a daily microdose regimen, you need something more sophisticated. That’s where edibles come in.

The modern cannabis industry has blessed consumers with all sorts of edibles; some are wildly potent, and others offer a subtle mood boost. Microdosing cannabis is easiest achieved through edibles. And if you plan to build a regimen, try taking it every three days to prevent building a tolerance. You could also use a journal to track the effects and adjust your dosage.

What Dose Is A Microdose?

A microdose to a seasoned connoisseur might be a little different than a beginner’s version of a microdose. Again, that comes down to tolerance.

Say a beginner user took 3mg of Delta-9 THC. That small dose would barely take effect for a frequent user. So, while the standard definition of a cannabis microdose is 1-3g, some individuals with higher tolerances might need to take more to achieve that subtle microdose effect.

Wondering where to get started? We’ve gathered some excellent options from WNC CBD to help you settle into a new regimen and seize not just today but every day.

Everyday Microdose Gummies

These gummies are one of the top-rated options for new cannabis users looking for an entry into its effects without an overwhelming experience.

Everyday Microdose Gummies from WNC CBD are vegan, gluten-free, all-natural, and feature 3mg Delta-9 THC and 10mg CBD per gummy! With a welcoming dose like that, experiencing the benefits of cannabis in a clean, clear way is effortless.

Available in a 5-count or 30-count of mixed flavored gummies, each package contains a mix of Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, Cherry, Orange, and Dragon Fruit. Take one gummy and wait 60-120 minutes for the complete effect. Ready to start a new routine? Order now and begin your microdosing ventures today.

7:1 Mixed Delta 9 Gummies

WNC CBD also has a stronger gummy offering for those who might need a bit more of a boost. Their 7:1 Mixed Delta 9 Gummies are also vegan, gluten-free, and all-natural. But this time around, they feature a total of 90.123mg cannabinoids per gummy.

More specifically, it’s 9.843mg Delta-9 THC, 72.784mg CBD, 1.286mg CBG, and 6.210mg CBC per piece. But what makes these gummies good for microdosing? The only psychoactive, euphoria-enhancing cannabinoid here is Delta-9 THC, meaning the remaining cannabinoids benefit other general areas like mood elevation, stress relief, and relaxation.

Available in 100-count, 30-count, and 5-count packs, each pack features mixed flavors of Mango, Dragon Fruit, Blue Razz, Green Apple, and Elderberry. Get yours now and make every day a great one.

For more products and information about WNC CBD, visit their website at

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