Herbworthy: Phrend By Philter

Does Philter's Phrend really eliminate secondhand smoke? We put it to the Herbworthy test.

Smokers deserve to smoke, and vapers deserve to vape. We all have a right to our preferred consumption methods, especially if it’s legal.

However, cannabis legalization has not only increased access to weed, but it’s unfortunately increased non-smokers’ risk of secondhand smoke. And yes, there is such a thing as secondhand vapor, too.

We deserve to consume our flower and vapor with confidence and integrity, not hide away in a dark corner where no one can see us. That’s why we’re happy to introduce the Phrend by Philter, the world’s first biodegradable smoke filter.

Philter is proud to deliver a product that eliminates smoky exhales while empowering the user to consume cannabis or vapor whenever they please.

For such a popular and conceptual product, we had to put it to the Herbworthy test. Let’s see if Philter‘s Phrend really eliminates secondhand smoke.

About Philter's Phrend

The Phrend by Philter exists out of empathy for smokers and secondhand smokers alike.

The company understands how smokers have the right to inhale whatever legal substance they choose, but Philter also acknowledges that secondhand smoking is dramatically increasing with cannabis legalization.

The Phrend was designed to eliminate smoky exhales. It does so while also remaining 100%:

  • Biodegradable
  • Compostable
  • Recyclable
  • Reusable

Its filter cartridges are made of plant materials, including corn and wheat straw. What’s impressive is how the Phrend takes less than 3 years to decompose, compared to products that take hundreds of years to break down.

Using the Phrend is wildly easy. Simply spark up or inhale your smoke/vapor, then exhale your cloud into the Phrend. The filter lets you get up to 500 exhales before you need a replacement.

Finally, the Phrend‘s packaging is environmentally friendly. So much so that it grows wildflowers when placed in soil. Here’s how that works:

  • Remove the outside sleeve from the packaging
  • Submerge it under a thin layer of soil
  • Water lightly daily
  • See your wildflowers bloom and provide clean air and pollen for the bees

Is Philter's Phrend Herbworthy Certified?

Let me get this straight. Not only is the Phrend the world’s first biodegradable smoke filter, but the packaging also grows wildflowers?

For that reason and many more, we’re happy to give the Phrend the official Herbworthy Badge and a rating of 5, a Herbworthy Certified rating. For a rundown on how we rate products, visit our Herbworthy Scorecard.

We rate accessories like the Phrend based on four main factors:

  • Innovation
  • Ease of Use
  • Relevance
  • Effectiveness

There’s no denying that Philter‘s Phrend is one of the most innovative cannabis accessories on the market. It’s a biodegradable smoke filter that eliminates secondhand smoke, a win-win for the smoker and the bystander.

That brings us to its relevance. Not only is the Phrend a saving grace for cannabis consumers, but cigarette smokers and even vapers who don’t feel comfortable exhaling a cloud in public.

Finally, with over 500 exhales per filter and the best materials possible, Philter‘s Phrend is highly effective in its goal of eliminating secondhand smoke. In fact, the Phrend has already eliminated over 328 million smoky exhales and counting.

For more information about the Phrend by Philter, visit the brand’s website at philterlabs.com.

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