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Does The Certo Method Work? A Detox Review

How long does Certo take to activate? What does Certo really do to your body? Read on to find out.

We know that drug tests can be uncomfortable and stressful. That’s especially true if you know that you are likely to fail because you’re a regular or sporadic user.

You’re probably asking, how do I pass a drug test? Well, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

What Is Certo For Drug Test Detox?

The key to Certo Detox is found in fruit pectin.

Fruit pectin is commonly found in jellies and jams because of its ability to gel. Because it is a highly soluble fiber, it does a good job of detoxifying the human body.

So what the Certo Detox method does is absorb toxins that are naturally released from the body through feces, urine, and other bodily fluids.

Toxins find it easier to leave the body through fluids, but Certo‘s fiber absorbs the fluids in the intestines and stomach, and this action results in the release of toxins through solids.

Certo has been available in the United States for over 100 years, but only recently has it been associated with detoxification.

Does Certo Work?

Yes, according to certo detox reviews online, the concoction works for many to pass their drug test. Although, there aren’t any scientific studies that can confirm the effectiveness of Certo.

Many opt to mix Certo and Gatorade to help provide electrolytes and sugars to the body that may help flush the urine more effectively.

How long does certo take to work?

Typically around 2 hours, but it can work to clear your system from traces of THC as early as one.

A natural next question: How long does certo last after taking it?

Around 3 hours. So, the window to get tested is a tad small. It’s critical to not follow the Certo detox instructions too early—some users report failing a drug test when taking it just 5 hours after they drank Certo.

There are also a number of factors that dictate whether or not Certo will work for you, such as:

  • Weight
  • Fitness level
  • Body type
  • Age
  • Metabolism
  • Frequency of cannabis use

When using this method, we suggest that before you take the actual test, try to take one at home to make sure it comes back negative.

How Does Certo Detox Your Body

Tuấn Trương / Unsplash

Certo, the fruit pectin commonly used to jam up your jelly, has another trick up its sleeve—it’s a detox darling.

When you mix Certo with water and drink the concoction, it gels up in your gut. This gel-like substance supposedly traps toxins and helps whisk them away before they can be absorbed.

The idea is that these toxins, along with the pectin, are then excreted out of your body naturally.

And if you’re wondering how long does Certo stay in urine, it’s about 3-5 hours.

Always check with a health professional before diving into a detox spree with Certo.

Certo Detox Instructions: How To Use It

Does Certo work for urine test? It very well can.

But, the Certo Detox Method only works if the instructions are followed and the suggested ingredients are used in the correct order. The list of ingredients needed includes:

  • Two Certo packets
  • Two 32oz (909 ml x 2) sports drinks (Gatorade is a good choice)
  • Creatine monohydrate (not strictly necessary)
  • Multivitamin
  • Vitamin B2 (not strictly necessary)

Once you have the above, the steps are fairly simple:

  1. Drink as much water as you can in the two days leading up to the drug test (assuming you have the time).
  2. The day before the test, you should mix a packet of Certo with Gatorade, shake it very well until it is a gel-like mixture and drink it all down before you go to bed. You can also add creatine monohydrate; this will create urine by-products such as creatinine and the correct dilution.
  3. On the day of the test, drink as much water as you can about three hours before.
  4. Between 2 and 4 hours before the test, mix the second packet of Certo with the other sports drink, following the same step of shaking it until it is a gel-like mixture. Consume it along with the multivitamin and B2.

In theory, the Certo method should allow you to “pass” a urine test for at least three hours. Now, if you don’t have the time to fully prepare, you can consume a packet of Certo, the 32oz bottle of the sports drink, and a similar amount of water an hour before the drug test.

It won’t work as well as preparing from the night before, but it might help you out of trouble.

You can shop for Certo Detox packets on Amazon, CVS, Target, and other pharmacies, drugstores, and grocery stores.

Certo Detox Review

Personally, I’ve tried using the Certo Detox method once.

I did pass my test, but it wasn’t the smoothest process. At first, I thought I had followed the instructions and mixed the right ingredients. Because this was my first time trying this method, I picked up a urine drug test kit to see if it would work before my actual drug test.

To my surprise, I failed my at-home drug test. After starting to sweat because my real drug test was approaching, I calmed down, looked over the instructions once again, and found my issue.

My mistake was taking the drug test five hours after consuming the Certo Detox. When, in reality, there’s only a three-hour window after consuming it to pass your test.

So, I did it all again in preparation for my actual test. I chugged that baby back one hour before my test and was able to pass with flying colors.

I can honestly say the Certo Detox worked, but the preparation was a little too stressful for me. I likely won’t do it again and will turn to other natural, safe detox kits.

But, a certo drug test success for sure.

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