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Can You Take Delta 8 On A Plane?

Flying with Delta 8 might be easier than you think.

We’ve gone through this question before in regards to cannabidiol. For years before the Farm Bill made CBD products legal, people worried that flying with it would bring attention to them.

But, as we all know now, it’s perfectly safe and legal to fly the friendly skies with CBD on your person.

Much like its cousin CBD, Delta 8 is an all-natural, hemp1-derived product that can do beautiful things for your overall well-being.

On top of that, unlike any cannabinoid before it, Delta 8 offers you a more mild psychotropic high. Delta 8 THC provides users one of the few opportunities to experience a legal buzz without worrying about anything.

Like with CBD, the Delta 8 industry is overflowing with brands. Unfortunately, very few of them deliver reliable products that let you experience the full potential of Delta 8 THC.


Legal Status Of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC is federally legal, meaning you can buy it almost anywhere, but can you take it anywhere?

Whether you’re considering flying with Delta 8 THC to help ease your pre-flight nerves or you want to take your legal buzz on vacation, you should research if the local laws and airline rules fall in your favor.

You need to research the laws of your departure state and destination state. Even if your home state has no restrictions on Delta 8 THC, your destination state could have different laws that restrict Delta 8 THC.

If local law enforcement at your destination were to discover your Delta 8 THC products, you could get into trouble.

Can You Fly With Delta 8 THC? Legalities

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Despite Delta 8 being legal in the majority of the country and having ever-growing popularity, most users still don’t know if it’s a good idea to bring on a plane.

In other words, is it safe to fly with Delta 8?

Will the TSA pull you out of line and question you under the hot lights if you have some Delta 8  gummies or oils on you?

Or will they just bogart the gummies and have a good time in the break room?

Technically, since it’s federally legal, this means you won’t get in any trouble with the federal government if you transport Delta 8 THC across state lines on an airplane.

In many cases, it’s perfectly okay to fly with Delta 8, but you may need to abide by certain rules regarding its storage on the flight. 

It is legal to fly with Delta 8  when you are flying to and from areas where Delta 8  is permitted, as long as the airline you choose doesn’t expressly prohibit Delta 8  products. 

Before you pack your bags, you need to check with your local regulations and your chosen airline to determine what you can and can’t pack.

This is true even for products that aren’t Delta 8, and you may be surprised at what you can’t legally carry on a plane (like batteries).

Flying Locally In The U.S.: Can You Bring Delta 8 On A Plane?

Delta 8 THC’s legal status doesn’t necessarily clarify the rules on flying with it. The TSA doesn’t address Delta 8  specifically but does clarify that they aren’t exactly looking for it.

The TSA isn’t looking for your Delta 8  products or any other hemp products you may stash away in your luggage, but does that mean it’s safe to carry them with you? 

It’s a bit of a grey area, depending on how you interpret the TSA’s cannabis regulations. Here are the states where Delta 8 THC is illegal:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah

Keep in mind some airlines might have restrictions against carrying Delta 8 THC onto their airplanes, even though it is federally legal. Sometimes this can even include vape batteries.

Therefore, you need to research the rules of the airlines before booking your plane tickets.

TSA Delta 8 Regulations

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According to the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, the previous TSA rules banned all “marijuana and cannabis-infused products.” Still, the new rule makes an exception for “products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or are approved by the FDA.”

Federal law specifies that hemp products, including cannabinoids, isomers, and other extracts that contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC, are federally legal.

That means that Delta 8 is not a Controlled Substance and is instead a legal hemp product, and there’s nothing explicitly barring you from carrying Delta 8  on the plane.

In fact, TSA is not precisely concerned with sniffing out cannabis products. If they do happen to find illicit substances while searching your bags, however, their policy is to turn it over to local law enforcement.

Of course, even if your Delta 8  products are flagged as Delta 9 THC products by mistake, you’re going to be subject to interrogation while the products are being tested.

Can I Fly With Delta 8 Internationally?

Cannabis products are illegal in most countries in any form. It’s best to do some research on the laws of those countries before traveling.

Despite being legal and decriminalized in some countries, there may be laws that prohibit the possession of paraphernalia.

When we say cannabis products in any form, we mean most, if not all, hemp-derived products.

Some countries are loosening up and adapting CBD products, but again, it depends on the country you are traveling to.

Storing Delta 8 THC For Your Flight

It is a worldwide rule that any liquid tobacco products must be packed in your carry-on bag.

The same goes for liquid THC products. In cases where vapes are found in checked-in luggage, airlines have the right to search your bag and confiscate it.

In other instances, they may also leave the luggage at the departure airport.

Flying with vapes and batteries can be tricky as there are concerns that electronic vapes and their batteries may be a fire hazard.

Can You Take Delta 8 Gummies On A Plane?

Can you fly with Delta 8 gummies? Usually, the answer is yes. Gummies are probably the easiest way to get your legal buzz on the plane.

You can generally just leave gummies or other edibles in their original packaging.

Gummies, hard candies, and other food items can usually be carried in your carry-on or checked luggage.

But again, your gummies must contain 0.3% of THC or below to be classified as legal.

Binoid Delta 8 THC Gummies

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If you are going to travel, you want fantastic gummies to take with you. So let’s start our recommendations with one of our favorites.

The Delta 8 THC Gummies from Binoid are as potent as tasty. Thinking about having sweet gummies at hand is good enough, even more, when they have flavors like Green Apple, Peach, and Strawberry.

Every piece has a generous Delta 8 content of 25 mg; as the package contains 20 pieces, you will have a total of 500 mg of mind-relaxing Delta 8 THC in your hands. That’s enough for not running out of Delta 8 for a while or sharing and making friends on your trip.

Plus, these gummies come in a package tough enough to protect your gummies in your luggage and so good-looking that you wouldn’t want to hide it.


Gummies or edibles in general are one of the easiest and relatively safe ways to travel with Delta 8. At this point, it is essential to purchasing products from reliable brands, such as DazeD8. A Kentucky brand that produces products with the best selection of hemp and high-quality extraction processes.

DazeD8 knows that when it comes to gummies, they have to be perfect. Flavor, potency, and convenience are important factors when choosing the best Delta 8 gummies, especially if you plan to travel with them.

We love their Nerds Delta 8 Gummies, a potent blend of 60 mg of Delta 8 per gummy, with an incredible combination of the sour crunch of the nerds. The best part is that they blend in perfectly with any other similar snack, so you can take them with you wherever you go.

Take Plain Jane Delta 8 Gummies On Your Trip

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Cannabis has been demonized since people started consuming it regularly. For years, there has been constant persecution to stop everything that has anything to do with weed around the world, although there are legal substances that are so much worse.

Fortunately, things have changed over the years, and even though there are still some mixed opinions, people are now more aware of this magnificent plant. The world is now more accepting of it. While we wait for it to be legal around the world, scientific advances give us Delta-8, a variant of the popular Delta-9 or THC. This variant has not been penalized, and because it is so recent, there are not too many laws that regulate it.

When life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. Delta 8 is the new best friend of those who don’t want to have any trouble. The cannabis industry is aware of that, and there have been a lot of new Delta-8 businesses that offer tons of alternatives for consumption.

Plain Jane offers an elevated variety of delta-8 products, gummies, flowers, pre-rolls, and more. With them, you can explore all the alternatives available to find the perfect option for you.

Because of Delta-8 regulations, you can carry them anywhere you want without too much trouble. Even on the plane to your next destination.

Thanks to Plain Jane, you can access many different options for Delta-8 products. With just a click, you will be able to order top-quality products that can be carried almost anywhere and give you a good experience that can introduce you to the world of Delta-8.

Can I Bring Delta 8 On A Plane In A Vape?

TSA demands that all liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, or pastes must be in less than 100 mL (3 oz) bottles and appropriately stored, meaning no possibility for leaks.

This is applicable for e-liquids too. If you plan to bring more than the limited amount, you should pack it in your checked-in suitcase. 

There are no size and amount limitations for checked baggage, but it is recommended to double bag it to prevent any spillage in the luggage. Pods and cartridges are also allowed to be stored in the checked suitcase.

The Best Vapes For Your Trip From Wild Orchard

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You might want to check out Wild Orchard out if you want a super fast delivery before your vacation. They are one of the pioneers in selling hemp-based products while also keeping an incredible service and streamlined shopping experience.

Wild Orchard’s Delta-8 Rechargeable and Disposable Vape pen comes loaded with a full gram delta-8, ready to smoke and enjoy. These come in three delicious flavors, which can accompany your favorite vacation, depending on what you want.

If you want some adventuring, the Blue Dream Sativa is the perfect option, while people who want to stay lounging by the beach might be better with the Birthday Cake indica. If you want to take a nap but keep yourself functional through your vacation, the Gelato hybrid flavor is a perfect choice.

Tips For Flying With Delta 8 THC

Keep extra batteries in safe plastic battery cases. On short trips, it’s best if you use disposable vapes since it is easy to carry and no charger or separate e-liquid is needed.

Full vape tanks may leak due to cabin pressure, so fill the tank halfway or leave it empty for the flight.

Bottles may expand due to cabin pressures. To avoid any accidents, pact partially used bottles that have the space for a liquid to expand.

Lastly, seal the caps and openings of the bottles using tape and in a plastic baggy for extra protection.


It’s a matter of being cautious when traveling with Delta 8 THC products. You almost need to become a legal expert in marijuana possession because there are so many different laws at play here.

You have to respect the federal and state laws in America and the federal and state laws in your destination country. 

Remember, if Delta 8 is legal where you’re going, you can have it delivered there too.


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