picking up girls when high

Picking Up Girls When High AF!

Guys, when it comes to picking up girls when you are high AF, just don’t act like these fellas and you should be ok.

Marijuana makes everything better—right? These fellas attempt to get girls phone numbers after getting high. The results are not too promising. Even the Ladies Man Leon Phelps will tell you that your game needs to be as smooth as a glass of Bowmore scotch to pull off the high pickup.

Using lines like

“Life is short, let’s just do shit”

“I’m too high for this shit….hoooly crap, let me touch your hair”.

“Sorry, I have this condition, it takes me a long time to think of a question”.

The guys took their best shot at scoring some phone numbers from unsuspecting ladies, but with these type of lines they really struck out.

See for yourself:

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