So, your weed is too dry? Here's how to rehydrate weed back to its glory.
You probably ended up with some dry weed at one point or another.
Dry weed is one of the biggest indicators that the quality of your bud has depleted. Without retaining proper moisture, buds lose their density and also lose their potency.
The good news is we’ve got a number of tips to help you re-moisten dry weed. Even better, you probably have all of these items sitting in your home. When you’re all out of humidity packs, check out these popular techniques below.
The most popular method people use to re-moisten dry weed is to add orange peels in weed storage containers.
To begin, you should try to keep your weed in Tupperware or glass containers – not a Ziploc bag. Add an orange peel to the container; the size of the peel should be about the size of the amount of weed you are trying to re-moisten.
How Long Do I Leave Orange Peels In Weed That’s Dry?
After a few hours, open the container and remove the orange peels. Be sure not to leave the peels for too long. Excess moisture can quickly lead to mold growth.
Dry weed is notorious for losing its flavor, but adding the orange peel will add some citrusy spink to your weed.
What Does Putting Orange Peels In Weed Do?
The peels release moisture slowly, which can help rehydrate the buds and make them less brittle.
If you don’t want to add flavor but still want to re-moisten dry weed, try using iceberg lettuce.
The lettuce will provide moisture to the buds, but it does not contain the prevalent terpenes that orange peels do. Wrap the lettuce in paper towels before putting them in your container; this will keep your dry weed from sticking.
Also, lettuce is a bit more moisture-filled than orange peels, so there’s a higher risk of growing mold if you don’t wrap your lettuce.
Some moisture seekers have taken sheets of paper towels and soaked them in water. They then put the wet towels in plastic bags and poked small holes in the bags.
You can add these little moisture bombs to your weed container for maximum results. This method may be ideal if you are trying to re-moisten large quantities of weed.
However, make sure to wring out your paper towel before adding it to your storage container. You don’t want it to be dripping, just damp.
Another method to re-moisten dry weed is to add a freshly picked marijuana bud to your container.
Marijuana buds are very damp when they come off the stalk, and they will share their moisture with their dry friends.
This method will also add a little flavor to your dry weed, but the flavor will not take away from the marijuana like orange peels. Instead, it’s like cross-breeding flavors without actually cross-breeding.
These aren’t the only methods to re-moisten your weed, but they might be the best. Just remember you must take special care not to encourage mold growth.
Monitor your stash during the process, and when in doubt, take it out. The orange peel method is probably your safest and most flavorful bet.
Next time you come across some dry weed, remember these tips and the insightful words of Derek Zoolander—”Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.”
He was talking about moist buds, right?
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