Practically Perfect Vaporizer
After a year of essentially daily use, the Volcano Hybrid retains the same A+ quality in terms of use and easy maintenance as the day I bought it. Being able to customize your temperatures so precisely and warming up quickly is game-changing coming from a former water pipe guy. The vapor is smooth and fresh. Loading and discarding herbs is a breeze, and cleaning the filling chamber is simple as is the device itself and doesn’t require much effort if done consistently (I brush it out after each use, clean it and the device itself with a cleaner weekly). The Volcano is obviously quite pricy – a big barrier to entry – However if you can afford it, the Volcano Hybrid is absolutely worth every penny of its price tag (and even then some perhaps – Look for deals every one and a while!) The quality and quantity put out by this machine is a daily joy and one that I cannot recommend any more highly.
Dynamic Desktop Vape
Top notch desktop vaporizer! Being able to go from the whip to the bag makes this device very versatile!
Still the best out there to date
Get it, your health is worth it.
Had this for 3 months and now I can review it and say it is actually awesome. Saw it when it first came out in Amsterdam and I avoided spending the money on this product for years. I regret it and that was stupid. You can debate about the price point, but considering what people spend on what they smoke, this is a very cheap investment that will pay for itself. Not only is it a quality product to use but the vaped product afterward makes a high quality edible. This is a must buy product. Especially when it comes to enjoying flavor and aroma, combustion simply does not compare.
The only reason this is not a 5 star review is that the plastic pieces can get stuck together with resin and you have heat it back up to take it apart and reload it. It would a nice upgrade to get rid of the plastic pieces and replace them with something more durable. (Also, if you are thinking about it, go with the whip like a hookah. I like it much more than the bag system.)
Amazing upgrade over classic
I had and loved a Classic for somewhere around 15 years before it finally died on me. The Hybrid is a huge upgrade over the Classic and I am absolutely ecstatic with the purchase. Only removed a star because the Web App doesn't allow you to set up custom cycles, just use preset ones. I know it's not S&B's fault that Apple doesn't allow me to have their app on my iPhone, but at the very least they should be giving the Web App the same functionality as the Android app.
Buy it Now!
I was that person that read reviews on here several times before purchasing. I watched a bunch of Youtube videos and realized I wasted so much time debating the purchase.
It PAYS for itself! Stop debating and buy it, you won’t regret it!
The best
Strongly recommended. The quality, attention to details and different options is the best there is. As a Volcano Classic owner for 9 years, the Hybrids improvement is well worth it!
Great Product but get the discount!
Great Product and everything I wanted for the last 10 years or so since I saw the classic. BUT, they will send you a 10% discount code if you register with your email. Customer service is zero help, so get that code before you buy!
The Gold Standard
This is what everyone else is trying to make.
Best in class
This vaporizer is absolutely worth the money. It is best in class. I will say it goes through bags and tubes pretty quickly but you don't necessarily have to change them as often as the manual recommends (use this advice at your own risk).