β-Caryophyllene’s Effects on Anxiety & Depression

β-caryophyllene is present in oils of various plants including rosemary, hops & black pepper. German researchers discovered that it’s also a cannabinoid, meaning it can affect anxiety & depression.

β-caryophyllene is present in oils of various plants including rosemary, hops & black pepper. German researchers discovered that it’s also a cannabinoid, meaning it can affect anxiety & depression. Find out more about this discovery and see what you think. Could this be an answer to problems that affect a vast number of individuals?

 Celebs say What we all Think About Colorado Supreme Courts Decision on Firing Medical Marijuana Patients.

β-Caryophyllene's effects on Anxiety & Depression

By The Stoner's Cookbook

β-caryophyllene is present in oils of various plants including rosemary, hops & black pepper. German researchers discovered that it's also a cannabinoid, meaning it can affect anxiety & depression.

  • It doesn't get you high

    By The Stoner's Cookbook

    First and foremost, β-caryophyllene specifically targets the CB2 receptor, which doesn't produce a high. However, it still affects anxiety & depression, and could be useful for medicinal uses.

  • From the lab

    By The Stoner's Cookbook

    “The present study has clearly demonstrated the anxiolytic and anti-depressant effect of β-caryophyllene and its underlying mechanism in a CB2 receptor-dependent manner in rodents” – UAE University 

  • CB2 receptors & anxiety

    By The Stoner's Cookbook

    Studies have shown that CB2 receptors can reduce anxiety & depression. As mentioned before, β-Caryophyllene only targets CB2—not only does it keep anxiety from getting worse, it makes it better.

  • CB1 receptors & anxiety

    By The Stoner's Cookbook

    Cannabinoids that target CB1 receptors can help with anxiety at low doses, but high doses seem to make things worse. β-Caryophyllene only targets CB2, so it doesn't contribute to anxiety.

  • Something we Already Knew

    By The Stoner's Cookbook

    One of the most common self-reported reasons that people use cannabis is to releive stress, tension in anxiety. In a way this study scientifically backs what many of us knew to be common knowledge.

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