Photo by Mart Production

Joe Rogan Isn’t Happy With The Latest U.S. Customs Drug Seizure

"You should take all of these drugs and rethink your life."

If controversy were a man, it would be Joe Rogan

The podcaster, comedian, and actor is known for having his own unique view on different controversial subjects. 

Many of us can relate to his positive relationship with cannabis and psychedelics.

In recent news, Rogan took to Twitter and quoted a tweet from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regarding their recent seizure of different drugs. 

Photo by Randy Wiggins

The agency wrote in the initial CBP tweet that on June 1, “two U.S. citizens returning from Canada had their vehicle examined by Champlain CBP officers.”

They continued that after the inspection, officers discovered ecstasy, marijuana, and psilocybin mushrooms in raw form and infused in a chocolate bar.

In a press release, Champlain Port Director Steven Bronson says he is “proud of [the CBP’s] enforcement efforts to ensure the safety of our communities.”

But Joe Rogan isn’t having it. 

Photo by Castorly Stock

On June 6, the day after the CBP posted its tweet, Rogan slapped back and quoted the tweet, writing, “You should take all these drugs and rethink your life.”

These pro-drug views from Rogan are nothing new. When anybody mentions DMT around him, his face lights up, and you can see the gears start turning. 

He’s a firm believer that our government should not dictate which substances are illegal and which ones we should take (cough cough, highly addictive pharmaceuticals). 

What’s even more surprising is the varying legal status of cannabis and its strict transportation policies. Per the CBP press release, the two U.S. citizens whose drugs were seized were traveling from Canada to New York state. 

Both Canada and New York have legalized recreational cannabis. But transporting Canadian legal weed into a legal U.S. state still doesn’t fly. 

We’re not sure what might have happened if the couple was transporting cannabis alone. But regarding the whole situation, we’ll have to side with Rogan on this one. 

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