Jeffree Star is the entering the cannabis space.

Singer and Make up Artist Jeffree Star poses for photos. (Photo by Rosdiana Ciaravolo/Getty Images)

Apparently, Jeffree Star Is Getting Into The Weed Game

From makeup mogul to cannapreneur, the rise of Jeffree Star continues.

Internet sensation and makeup mogul, Jeffree Star, has revealed that he will be moving into the cannabis space. The announcement follows the 2018 midterm elections when the state of Michigan’s legislative government announced that cannabis would finally be legalized for recreational purposes. 

After learning about the news, Star announced his plans via a vague tweet hinting at a “weed empire” in Grand Rapids, Michigan’s second largest city. Star’s cannabis business plans remain a little muddied at the moment, although the plans seem to involve legal weed and not CBD-infused makeup.

As soon as the laws officially change, I’ll be building my empire in Grand Rapids and beyond… amazing news,” Star shared the day after the news broke out.

Those already familiar with Jeffree Star’s line of cosmetics might have noticed that the entrepreneur’s online store already includes cannabis merchandise, like the signature line of Jeffree Star four-piece, three-chambered grinders. However, those seem to be the only cannabis-related item currently available.

Star also runs an incredibly successful YouTube channel, where he does not hide the fact that he enjoys smoking up. In fact, one video shows Star reviewing KUSH Mascara and even earns the Jeffree Star seal of approval, considered a must for any makeup brand that wants to earn the trust of his eleven million Youtube subscribers. Another video sees Star and his partner, Nathan, trying Oil Blotting Sheets before rolling them into joints and smoking them.

Curiously enough, Star and his partner currently reside in Calabasas, California, where cannabis is already legal. It is unclear why Michigan is the place that Star is choosing to launch the new project.

Depending on your age, you might remember Jeffree Star from his days as an infamous MySpace celebrity, where he started building his personal brand in 2003 through an assortment of projects. Initially, his career started in music and ended up in collaborations with Nicki Minaj and Blink-182’s Matt Skiba.

Since then, Star has become the most trusted name in cosmetics. Perhaps, in a few years, the same thing can be said about Star’s role in the cannabis space.

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