Guides | 08.31.2021

XVAPE FOG Review: Budget Dual-Use Vaporizing At Its Finest

When purchasing a vaporizer you’re met with a difficult decision to make on the type of material you want to give priority to. Not with the XVAPE FOG.

Dual-use vaporizers are a tricky subject for real vaping (or vaporizing) aficionados. Why?

Well, concentrates and dry-herb are evidently very different vaporizing materials. So it’s only natural that some of the vaporizing methods that work great for one of them, don’t work as well for the other.

But what exactly do I mean by vaporizing methods?

In order to vaporize a product, you need to heat it up to the point where the material containing the cannabinoids becomes vapor. But if you surpass this limit, you’ll burn your material. Which results in hotter inhales that hurt your throat, charred & possibly damaged material, less potent effects, and carcinogenic smoke entering your lungs.

Which are probably the main reasons why you’ve shifted from smoking weed to vaporizing it. 

That said:

The wrong type of vaporizing method used in a specific type of material (flower or concentrate) could hurt your experience.

Photo by blueringmedia / Adobe Stock Photo

Conduction Vaporizing

Conduction works by heating up the tank where your material rests. In other words, you’re vaporizing your material by pressing it against a hot surface.

Conduction heating is the best option for concentrates because they have a higher boiling point. Additionally, the consistency of concentrate material is much more suited for conduction vaporizing.

But that’s not the case for dry flower.

Convection Vaporizing

Convection works by pouring hot air into the tank holding your vaporizing material and heating up the atmosphere of the tank. This will ultimately heat up the walls of the tank itself but this way the tank walls are not the main source of heat.

I’m a fan of convection heating when it comes to dry herb vaporizing because I feel like there is less risk of charring your flower and producing harmful plant residue that could potentially reach your lungs.

How Does The XVAPE Fog's Oven Measure Up?

When purchasing a dual-use vaporizer you’re met with a difficult choice to make because, as explained above, you’ll have to make a decision on what material you’ll make a ‘sacrifice’ on.

I was personally very pleased with the convection heating of the XVAPE FOG because of its versatility when it came to using concentrates and dry herbs alike.

It might be a personal perception thing, but I believe that if you are definitely making the decision of purchasing a dual-use product, then it’s best if you give priority to convection over conduction. Dry herb definitely works best with convection and I feel like concentrates are a more versatile substance that works pretty similarly with both heating methods.

The Oven

The oven on the FOG is not necessarily the biggest. It holds up to 0.2 grams of ground weed. The device I usually use roughly holds 0.4 grams of ground weed. But to be honest with you, I rarely consume a fully-packed oven chamber.

So, taking into account that the FOG is a smaller unit at a cheaper price, I’d say the oven chamber size works just fine.

The smaller size of the oven also makes it highly portable and discreet.

Temperatures Settings

Because you ARE purchasing a dual-use vaporizer you’ll want to have one that gives you enough temperature options to play with depending on your strain or type of concentrate. These are the temp sets you can choose from:

  • 356 F
  • 374 F
  • 392 F
  • 410 F
  • 428 F

Battery Functionality & Capacity

The Fog comes with a removable 18650 battery that boasts 2600 mAh. Which makes it powerful enough for a bit over 40 minutes of continuous usage. Which in all fairness is never even needed as you’ll be turning your device on and off constantly.

An even better way to assess the battery capacity of your new XVAPE FOG is by how many bowls you’re able to vaporize through. On average you’ll likely be able to go through 5 full dry-herb bowls.

The battery being removable gives you the option of buying a spare battery. That way if you run out of battery you can just swap one out for a fully charged one.

The nice thing about the FOG’s charging features is that you don’t actually have to charge the battery separately. The FOG comes with a charging port that allows you to charge the vaporizer directly with a battery in the slot.


If you do purchase a removable battery device it would be nice to have the option of charging the battery separately as well. Which you, unfortunately, do not get with the FOG.

What You’ll Find In The Box

  • 1 XVAPE FOG Vaporizer
  • 1 18650 Battery (2600mAh)
  • 1 Micro-USB Charging Cable
  • 1 Concentrate Pad
  • 1 Packing Tool
  • 1 Cleaning Tool
  • 1 Tweezer Set

Overall Performance

I thought the FOG looked quite stylish and even a bit similar in appearance to the more high-end DaVinci IQ2. Of course, the performance is nowhere near the same but it does provide pleasant vapor clouds that do the trick.

The FOG comes with a one-button interface that doesn’t require much experience to understand and is incredibly intuitive. You’ll be able to keep track of how much battery power you have left easily with the LED light indicator, which can also be used to track your temp settings.

If you’re looking for your first vaporizer and are set on purchasing a dual-use device at an accessible price tag, then the FOG is a great option.

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