This is the ultimate guide on how to create your own homemade high potency cannabis e-liquid.
Cannabis E-Liquid and vaporizers have not become super famous over the last couple of years for no reason. Vaporizing is a discrete and arguably the healthiest way for you to use weed.
Cannabis e-liquid is, effectively, the liquid that goes into a vaporizer which then blesses your lunges with potent smoke. Cannabis e-liquid is a very high potency form of marijuana, and making it at home can be a very economical way of smoking your stash.
It isn´t awfully hard to make your own vaporizer liquid, and it certainly does not break the bank. So this is the ultimate guide on how to create your own homemade high potency cannabis e-liquid.
Do NOT skip the decarboxylation step, and enjoy your homemade vape smoke! Try the Grizzly Eclipse vaporizer for a complete experience.
Before you get started on making your cannabis e-liquid, make sure you have all of the following things:
The first step is decarboxylation. Don´t skip this step! It´s really important. The chemical process which takes place when marijuana is combusted (such as smoking it) doesn´t occur in vaporization because temperatures don´t necessarily get hot enough. So this step is important to make sure the THC is activated!
There is always the option of filtering out more alcohol once you have added the propylene glycol, but it isn´t completely necessary. THC is also soluble in alcohol, so there is also always the option of leaving your buds in the mason jar for a few days the first time you submerge them in alcohol.
TIP: If you shake vigorously every day, this adds extra potency. However, this is also a little bit more time-consuming!
Please take extreme care when you do this, as heating up alcohol can be dangerous! So this isn´t really recommended unless you have had a little bit of experience extracting alcohol in mixtures! Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your homemade e-liquid!
Do you have any good tips for making cannabis e-liquid? Let us know!
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