3 Easy Ways To Clean Your Titanium Dab Nail

Keeping your dab nail clean is beyond important if you want a quality hit. Here’s how to clean a titanium dab nail so that you can dab on.

Cannabis users who dab take pride in creating personalized, hard-hitting, oil rigs. Nails are an essential part of any rig. That being said, keeping your nail clean is beyond important if you want a quality hit. While dab nails are made out of various materials, titanium is perhaps the most popular. There are so many ways to clean your nails, so let’s review how to clean a titanium dab nail so that you can dab on.

Why Is Cleaning Your Dab Nail Important?

While cleaning your nail specifically is important, because that’s where you’re putting the sweet stuff, cleaning your oil rig overall is essential.

Creating the perfect rig is expensive, especially for the frequent dabber. If you’re more than the occasional dabber, you’re going to spend a lot of money not only on the rig but on the shatters and oils.

Every rig experiences reburn, spills, a sticky residue, making cleaning all the more important. You’ve spent a lot of money on your set up, so keep it clean and get the best high you can.

The Salt/ISO Scrub Method

The scrub method of cleaning a titanium nail can be done with either saltwater or rubbing isopropyl alcohol. Saltwater is a natural cleaning solution, so it is perfect for cleaning your nail.

  1. Boil water and let the salt dissolve
  2. Place your nail in the solution for 10 minutes
  3. Remove nail, and scrub off any remaining residue

This method can also be done with ISO. You can either submerge the nail in ISO, let sit, then scrub, OR dip a Q-Tip into ISO solution and scrub the nail.

PRO TIP: For even better results using this method, use Higher Standards cleaning products. This brand, one of the most prominent ones in the glassware industry, also has its own line of cleaning products based on the same ISO + salt combination.
Their Salt Rox are coarse abrasive salt pieces that will go deep into your piece, scraping off any unwanted residue and preventing clogging. And, if you combine it with their ISO Pure alcohol which is 99% pure alcohol, you have a truly winning combination that will eliminate even the harshest resin stain from your nails, bongs, and pipes.

Your titanium nail is now shiny, residue-free, and looking good as new. If not, any of these three methods will do the trick. Just remember, keeping your nail, and the rest of your rig clean will lead to smoother highs.

Other products like bong cleaners are also great and get rid of any resin stains on your nail. Try Resölution which is great for any material, or Bud’s Resin Remover which works fantastically on your tools and is easy on your hands.

The Torching Method

The torching method is one of the easiest ways to clean a titanium nail. Light up your torch and heat the nail, as if you were preparing to take a hit. The torch heat will burn off any excess shatter or oil.

Some dabbers use the torching method before taking each dab, while some do after every use. Overall, the torching method is the easiest and fastest way to clean your titanium nail.

When choosing a dab torch, make sure you go for a powerful unit that can really bring up the temperature of your nail and melt any residues. The Blazer GT8000 is a staple in the industry for its ergonomic design and usability. This industrial torch is the go-to of expert dabbers because it reached temperatures of up to 2500º F.

The Water Method

The water method of cleaning your titanium nail has a few more steps but requires little effort.

  1. Heat your nail until red, then place in water at room temperature
  2. Let the nail sit, then remove with tongs after about 10 minutes
  3. If there is still residue on your nail, scrub it – it’s titanium, you’re not going to damage it, muscles!

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