Saco, US
Our office space is open to all qualifying medical patients. Find the office tab on our website and follow a few easy steps to become a Ripple Wellness patient OR call the office directly to schedule an appointment or place a pre-order with a Ripple Wellness representative. (207-502-0525) We look forward to bringing a unique experience to the medical community while showcasing our single source flower and concentrates. Visit our office to see our ever changing lineup for yourself.
We are a small family owned business sharing our life long passion for cannabis, while focusing on our local community. Our deep roots in the New England cannabis culture led us to Southern Maine. Our team is committed to producing world class cannabis products for everyone to enjoy. We are continuously learning, innovating, and improving how we grow, develop, and refine our products. Our gardens are truly a labor of love.
Minimum Age
Curbside Pickup
Brand Verified
Free 1/8th with first time purchase!
Now open Monday-Saturday! Follow our Instagram page for updates! @ripple__wellness
Medical Retail: CGR26172