Carolina, US
💥 ¡Nos has encontrado! 💥
Horario de operaciones L a S 10am – 9pm D 11am – 6pm
Nuestro inventario posee todo laboratorio requerido por el Departamento de Salud.
Nuestros productos son libres de pesticidas. Concentrados, cartuchos vaporizantes y comestibles de alta calidad.
¿ Está listo para la experiencia J Wellness ?
✨Ordene a través de weedmaps y ahorre tiempo✨
PASO 1: Crear cuenta en línea con Weedmaps
PASO 2: Someta evidencia de Lic. de cannabis y recomendación medica
PASO 3: Seleccione productos y añada a su carro de compra
PASO 4: Someta su orden y reciba confirmación de compra
PASO 5: Recoja su orden
Requerimientos para orden de compra
-Lic. de conducir, pasaporte, Lic. de cannabis valida y recomendación medica
-Toda transacción es en EFECTIVO solamente
🌞J Wellness🌞
J Wellness is a Puerto Rican company, whose mission is to bring wellness to all its patients through a natural approach in the form of medical cannabis. Our staff and doctors analyze each patient individually, and later offer their recommendations based on his or her symptoms. Through our in-depth knowledge on conditions that affect patients in both the short and long term, we seek alternatives in medical marijuana that ease pain and improve the patient’s well-being.
Questions? Just ask! Your path to wellness starts at J Wellness; a modern, accessible dispensary to fit your wants and needs for a better, healthier quality of life.
Minimum Age
Brand Verified
Best of Weedmaps Nominee
Time for JOY GIVEAWAY /// viernes 13 de enero ///